Information For Parents

Parents’ Guide to Gun Safety The Parents’ Responsibility In a home where guns are kept, the degree of safety a child has rests squarely on the child’s parents. Parents who accept the responsibility to learn, practice…

NRA Gun Safety Rules

The fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling are: 1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. This is the primary rule of gun safety. A safe direction means that the gun is pointed…


Our vision is to be a first class leader in today’s market using innovative ideas to provide the best service for our clients. Our agents hold the highest levels of integrity, honor and respect, and are…

Permit to Carry Class

This course is approved by the Minnesota BCA and is a prerequisite to acquiring your permit. The course teaches firearm safety, basic shooting techniques, proper storage legal considerations and critical incidents. The course also provides Minnesota…

Minnesota Gun Safety is the best way to earn your Firearm Safety Certificate

Have a group of friends looking to get a better understanding of guns and becoming more comfortable with them? Then this group course is for you! Instructor will display the different parts of the handgun, variations…


Women on Target

Need a ladies night out? Want something different to do with your friends? Would you feel better going with a group of friends to learn about guns and gun safety? If you answered yes to any of this…